What is patience? How do we teach our kids to wait?
One of the phrases we say is “patience is waiting with joy.”
Defining what patience is and why they are doing it is so helpful for kids. Teaching them to wait is difficult but the good news is you will have unlimited opportunities every day. One of the ways we taught our kids to wait was by explaining to them what patience is and how they can practice it.
Every time they need something or want it immediately, but they cannot have it then we say, “okay guys let have patience.”
Usually that makes them whine and want it even more, so we follow up by saying “what is patience?” and they respond, “waiting with joy.”
Using small phrases like this goes in and flips their mindset. It gives them vision for waiting with joy. Then we explain to them the situation and include them in the why behind the waiting.
For example, “Mom's hands are full right now so I cannot get your toy out of the closet, but I will as soon as I put this down.”
Teach your kids how to wait and the why behind patience - it establishes trust between us and them. It gives them the ability to wait and puts actions to words when it comes to patience. You can do this with kids of any age!