Be an Example

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Your example is more important than your instruction. We can teach our kids what we want them to know, but they become who we are.

That’s the hard truth. Our actions help shape our children’s hearts and minds. But here’s the good news: We don’t have to be perfect role models. In fact, we don’t even need to be close. God wired kids to see the good in us.

One of our greatest lessons learned: If we follow Jesus and share our journey with all its ups and downs, we model a compelling faith.

A Jesus who helps us improve and has compassion when we struggle.

A Jesus who communicates and loves like a parent.

We need not be perfect. Those who try to be perfect often get exposed over time, damaging trust.

Instead, walk sincerely with Jesus, and let kids see that relationship, flaws and all. Share age-appropriate struggles too. That’s authentic example – and it draws kids to Jesus.

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