Do You Delight in Your Child?

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You may ask, “delight?! How can I delight in them when they can be so frustrating?!” Or “how do I choose to delight when most of the time I’m just trying to make it through the day without losing my marbles?” Delighting in your child is not a concept you hear very often, but it’s one of the greatest teachings we can share with you.

When you delight in your children, they will become delightful.  

Pause for a minute and let that sink in.

When children know their parents delight in them, it’s so much easier for them to believe that God delights in them. Isn’t that what we want them to know and believe?

We know this can be impossibly hard but all it takes is a flip in perspective and the frustrating things they do start to become a little better day by day. Before you know it you’re looking at them with delight instead of frustration… or worse disregard.  

Just try implementing this for a few weeks. Think of something that usually drives you insane about your child and ask God to help you delight in that instead of despising it. Every time they do that thing pray (you might be praying 5,000 times in a day) for them. After a week or two see if your perspective of them has flipped.

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