
How NOT To Do a Family Bible Study

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Want some practical tips on how NOT to do a family Bible study? Here are some ways with the best intentions I failed at family Bible study.  Don’t do these things!

  1. Do it really early in the morning. Make everyone get up super early and sit around the dinner table with you.
  1. Get really frustrated when they don’t pay attention.  This time with God is really important and they need to feel terrible if they are not doing what they are told.
  1. Read Scripture that is over their heads. Expect them to be super quiet as you read something they are having trouble understanding.
  1. Lecture a lot and don’t ask a lot of questions. Of course, this is all about you teaching God’s Word to them, not exploring this together.
  1. Make sure it lasts a long time.  God’s Word is important so we need to be able to study it for an extended period of time.
  1. Feel underappreciated for all your effort and make that known to your family. They really should be more grateful.

Yes, I have made all these mistakes. But here’s the redeeming part.  I learned from them. I changed the way I did them. I learned to be more patient with my kids. I made them shorter and involved them more in the process.  

Avoid the mistakes I made. Make your family Bible studies short, engaging, and age-appropriate.  Be patient with them and don’t be offended when it doesn’t go perfectly. You are training your kids to have a love for God’s Word. Don’t make family Bible studies have the opposite effect. Be the parent whose kids look back on family Bible studies with fondness.