I was reading a book the other day called Unstoppable Force and this quote came from it:
“Real sustainable change happens when actions are a response to values.”
So true. Then you may ask, “Well, what is a value?” Great question.
A value is something that is important to us. We sometimes ask the question, “What is the value of this to you?” We put a price tag on things to determine their value and then based on that value, we decide whether the items is valuable enough to purchase.
One of our most important parenting discussions is about values. What is important to us as a family? As you establish a culture in your home, it will be based on what you value.
For example, your kids may see that you love your lawn to be immaculate. The grass is mowed in a diagonal pattern, the bushes are trimmed perfectly, the flowers are blooming, and weeds – well, don’t even think about it.
Your children will determine – whether you tell them or not – that having an impeccable lawn is a value in your home.
Our goal as parents is to decide on the values for our home and then lead our family into adopting these values. This is how different people come together. Under common values.
As everyone in the family agrees on the values, then we can get to the actions. Kids who believe in the values will have actions in line with those values. That is when real change happens.
Want more on this topic? Get our Creating Family Culture guide on our website or on Amazon (search for Don Manning) and go to Session Six on Unity where we go deeper into talking about values.
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