Peace Through Praise Shifts the Culture in Your Home

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Want peace in your home? Feel unequipped with how to create it?

Do you feel like amid the hustle and bustle your home is a place of peace or a place of stress? One simple way you can change the environment in your home is to play worship music. Starting the morning by turning on worship and letting praise be the sound filling your house. Worship invites the peace of God into your house – it invites Him to inhabit our space!

Playing worship in your home can create an environment of peace and a life of worship. Even if the dishes are not all the way done, or the house is not tidy all the way, having praise and worship music playing in the background of your home creates space for worship.  

As you play worship music, your kids hear it and learn it and your own soul sings along. You set a culture of praise which stirs our affections and adoration to Jesus. This helps your home, your kids, and your spouse – without them even knowing it! Having our minds and heart set on Jesus in our home equips us to go out into the world and be light. So, start playing praise and worship in your home – see what shifts!

On a practical note – Spotify and Apple music have great playlists already made for you, so the work to find the songs is no excuse. Just find a playlist and press play 🙂

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