Thanks to Teachers!

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What kind of parent are you to your child’s teachers, coaches, and administrators? Romans 13:1 says, “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

When we show gratitude and honor to school authorities, we demonstrate to our children how God wants us to treat those in positions of authority. Notice that the verse doesn’t mention only excellent authorities—it says, “there is no authority except that God has established.” In other words, God has placed all authorities in their roles, even the ones we may not like.

So, why does God want us to treat school authorities with respect, gratitude, and honor?

  1. It gives us favor with them. Our kids are more likely to be treated well when those in authority feel appreciated by us.
  2. It honors God. Our obedience and love for God are reflected in how we follow His commands to respect not only authorities but to love everyone around us.
  3. It teaches our children to honor all authority, including their parents. Children who learn to honor authority are more likely to view their parents as trusted guides rather than just people giving them orders.

Go out of your way to thank a teacher or coach for investing in your child. Encourage your child to find the good in challenging school situations. And if you have concerns, be sure to address them respectfully.

When we honor school authorities, we honor God and create an atmosphere of favor around us.

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