You Might Need to Hear this Truth
Crazy Cool Concept: The best fathers and mothers are first sons and daughters of the King.
If we know our identity is in God, then we can instill identity. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. If we do not know who we are and we parent out of false identity and insecurity, then our children will receive that identity from us.
Ever find yourself speaking to your child exactly the way your parent spoke to you? Maybe that is a good thing or maybe you realize you are parenting in ways that were painful for you as a child. These roots of parenting come from our identity. It is hard to rewrite the ways we were raised, or the insecurities instilled in us when we were young.
But we are here to tell you today that IT IS POSSIBLE.
The best way to rewrite the lies that come into your mind is by saturating yourself in the way God sees you. The best place to find out how He sees you is in the Bible. An easy passage to start with is Psalm 139.
Here are just a couple verses for you today:
Psalm 139:17-18
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.
The God of the universe is thinking about you. Not only is he thinking about you, but he is thinking more thoughts than you could ever count. He is thinking about you because He loves you and thinks you are the best.
If insecurity is consuming your identity, then read Psalm 139 over yourself every day until you start to believe what He really thinks about you. This simple practice will overflow into your parenting. It will start to create a culture of confident sons and daughters who are rooted in the TRUTH of God.