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Unfortunately – especially for my wife -- I’m not handy with home repairs. I lack experience and tools, making projects frustrating at best or impossible at worst. Instead, I hire a contractor who has superior tools and skills to fix things around the house.
Is there a parallel in parenting? Do you feel like a master craftsman in your parenting, or more like me with an uncharged drill? In our ministry, most parents relate more to the latter.
How do we become parenting “master craftsmen”? The same way contractors do: investing in tools and gaining experience. For us, tools mean parenting resources, and experience comes from practice. We learn from others’ mistakes, make parenting education a habit, and work on self-improvement for our family’s sake.
Many want to “hire out” parenting today, relying on schools, counselors, etc. to fix their kids. While these can help, research shows parents have the greatest influence. We can’t fully outsource raising our children.
Here’s some encouragement: Becoming a master craftsman parent doesn’t demand extensive time. Just one hour a week reading or listening to parenting materials, then applying those lessons, will produce astonishing progress over months and years.
Think it’s too late because your kids are older? You'll parent them for life, so start now connecting with their hearts. Unsure where to begin? We offer resources at to make efficient parenting education.
Every willing parent can become skilled in their craft. You can too by intentionally developing your parenting tools and experience over time.