
Changing Sibling Culture

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Ever feel exhausted by the sound of constant bickering between your children?

Every feel tired from constantly having to get on to them to stop fighting?  

As parents it feels impossible to get our kids simply to get along.  

What if we told you we can help your kids rarely fight AND be best friends?

Crazy right?  

Now this will not happen overnight but today we want to give you one practical tool to help your family move in this direction.  

Drip the culture of being best friends along the way.  

Throughout any given day you are given more than enough opportunities to disciple your kids on how to interact with each other.

Use those moments intentionally.  

Here is an example – on the drive to school you say “I am so thankful that God gave us each person in this family and made us all with unique gifts and talents. I cannot wait to see how you guys will become best friends as you grow up and learn more about each other.”  

Saying little phrases like this randomly throughout your day plants the seeds of best friendship in your children's hearts.

Try it out today! Say something encouraging to your kids about their relationship as you go about your regular life.