
Choosing Friends

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How do we help our kids choose good friends?  

Friends have a huge influence in the lives of our kids. We all want our kids to run around with kids who are good influences on them and help them stay out of trouble instead of getting them into it.  

Here are some tips on helping your child pick quality friendships:

  • Siblings are best friends. If you are around Crazy Cool Family, you know that we strongly urge you as parents to brainwash your kids to be best friends. We have fought for that in our family for many years and it has been a huge value in our family.
  • It is easier to stand alone with someone. Everyone needs a wingman. Or wingwoman. Instill in your kids the value of having at least one friend they can count on to do the right thing with them. Know that kid’s family if possible. Work together with those parents to help your kids be together in social situations.
  • Your friends build you up or tear you down. Ask your kids about their friends. Ask them questions about their interactions with them in a curious way. See if any kid has a negative hold on them and encourage your child to go with kids who have positive influence in their lives.    
  • You are known by the crowd you run with. Instill in your children the impact of their friend group on their reputation with others. Do they want to be known by that friend or friends?
  • Be friends with different people and groups. Encourage your child to be friends with people who are not like him or her. To have different groups of friends. And to be friends not just with people they like, but also people who may be a challenge to like and love.  

Hopefully this will help you have meaningful discussions with your kids about their friends. This is an area to tread gently with lots of questions, trying to use your influence more than your authority so you don’t encourage them to hide their friends from you.  

But don’t shy away from getting involved in these discussions. Remember you are teaching your kids to pick good friends not just today but for a lifetime.