They’re Watching You
My four-year-old granddaughter asked me to babysit her babies (her dolls, of course). I asked her what she planned to do with her free time. She said she was going to “play with her friends and take a nap.”
I wonder where she got that idea? Think she might’ve heard her mom say that once or twice?
At Crazy Cool Family, we often say things like:
- Your example is more important than your instruction.
- Your life is your message.
When parents tell us their kids are yelling at them, our first question is whether they’re yelling at their child.
So often, when we see a behavior issue in our kids, the root of it is the example we’re setting. When we adjust our example, their behavior often changes as well.
Here’s a thought: Consider the person you want your child to become—their character, thought processes, and worldview—and then think about what you can do to become that person yourself.
- Want your child to be kind? How can you become kinder?
- Want your child to be generous? How can you practice generosity?
- Want your child to say they’re sorry? Who do you need to forgive?
Our example—our life message—is one of our most powerful parenting tools.
Our kids are watching. What life message are they seeing?