Don’t Be a Dum Dum

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Wise parents don’t pretend to know everything—instead, they know they don’t know everything. They commit to learning about life (discipleship), marriage, and parenting.

That’s what we mean by the phrase “Be a Smarty.” Being a “Smarty” means believing in lifelong learning and actually doing something about it.

That’s right! We have to believe and take action. James 2:19 reminds us that belief alone isn’t enough; it says, “Even the demons believe that—and shudder.”

Let’s face it—parenting is full of challenges. How do we handle those challenges well? How do we respond wisely in the heat of the moment?

The answer is preparation. We respond well in the moment when we’ve prepared ourselves before the moment arrives.

Our mission at Crazy Cool Family is to help you prepare for the challenging moments of parenting. If you’re looking for a place to start, check out our Crazy Cool Family book and our two guides. Each resource is incredibly valuable in helping you become a true “Smarty”!

You can get them directly from us at a discounted price by visiting our special offer page!

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