Don’t Should On Yourself

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As parents we get so caught up and what we should and should not be doing.  

“I should be more patient.”

“I should be attending these meetings.”

“I should help them with their homework more.”  

I should….I should….I should…

Well, it is time to stop “shoulding” ourselves and start listening to God!

A lot of times the things we think we should be doing are based on the people around us. As we compare ourselves, we quickly see where we are falling short of what the world says “ideal parenting” is supposed to be. The more we compare ourselves the more insecurity we will feel because we were not created to be exactly like every other parent.  

God has given YOU a specific calling and destiny for your family.  

He has called you to parent in a way that honors him. Not in a way that matches the people around you. So, stop “shoulding” yourself and seek God for what HE calls you to do and be.

Instead of looking to the people around you look to Jesus! He has all the ideas on how to be the best parent. Seek him and look at him. There you will find all the things you should do when it comes to family and the rest can fall away.

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