Family is Worth Winning

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“Every family is in a fight – and as parents, we are called to win!”  

Family takes investment, heart, and endurance. We’ve never met a parent who doesn’t want to win at family. Often, when we ask parents if they want a strong family – they exclaim, “YES! More than anything!”  

Here are 3 simple ways to win at family in this season:

1. Invite God into your family’s season. Before you commit to sports, dance classes, or church functions – ask God where He is leading your family. You will win at family if you are following God’s leadership. Think of him like your coach- listen to His play and run it!  

2. Be a learner of family. Through the years, we have invested time, energy, and resources into learning everything we can about family. Buy a parenting book (ours is a good option- Crazy Cool Family on Amazon), listen to a podcast (we have those too), or set aside a day to seek God with your spouse and get a clear vision for your family. When you choose to see family as your main thing, you will desire to learn and grow. Investing in family is worth it and we never stop learning new ways to strengthen relationships AND build culture.  

3. Build and strengthen WEEKLY. As parents, you are the primary builder of culture in your family. You are the one who is called to strengthen every relational line God has given you. We challenge you to find 1 way to invest in family every week this fall. Go through our Guides, listen to a podcast, or sign up for the 5 Day Rethink to Family Challenge – all of these are ways you can invest in family.  

If you want to win at family, you must put in the work. But trust us, it’s worth it.  

Podcast Episode #266: 3 Ways to Win at Family  

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