Flip Your Own Thinking First
Ever heard this verse?
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Another way we’ve learned to remember this verse is by saying the phrase –
“Flip your thinking.”
As parents, we are invited by God to help our kids think. To transform their minds and to learn how to seek the will of Father God.
Have you ever thought about that? When your kids are born, they have neurons firing every second and you get the honor of helping their brains form, mature, and think rightly!
God invites you to help your kids by helping yourself – you start by learning how to flip your thinking on any given situation and this will ultimately help your kids!
So, how do you flip your thinking?
Here are 3 ways we’ve seen fruitful in our parenting journey:
-Stop, breathe, and invite God into the situation.
-Ask for HIS perspective and what He has to say.
-Ask the Holy Spirit for 1 way you can think about this situation and 1 way you can respond rightly.
Bonus – do what Holy Spirit says!
Try it, we dare you! Start flipping your thinking and watch how God gives you countless opportunities to practice and help your kids too!