Forgiveness in Marriage
In chapter 5 of our book, Crazy Cool Family, we take a deeper dive into the marriage relational line. One of the main things we talk about is the power of forgiveness.
Eph 4:32 says Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
In a marriage we must choose to forgive every time… but that is easier said than done. Especially when we truly do not believe we are in the wrong.
Forgiveness opens the relationship while lack of forgiveness closes it.
By choosing not to, forgive you create a gap in your relationship where the enemy can come in and start telling lies about you or your spouse. Those lies accumulate and become bitterness in our hearts. Before we know it, we are seeing our spouse differently and it becomes almost impossible to love them like Jesus does. This all happens so gradually that it may take years to notice. Reality is that it just starts with a small choice to stay bitter, but the repercussions could significantly damage your marriage.
What do we do? We forgive – every single time – no matter what!
How is that possible when there is so much pain? It is truly only possible with the help of Jesus. We must call on him and ask him to give us a soft heart and a desire to forgive.