Harshness Creates Distance

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Encourage extravagantly and correct carefully.

We’ll discuss encouragement another day. For this tip, let’s focus on correction.

So often, as we encourage parents to connect with their kids, they feel like we don’t want them to correct. They might believe that we want them to be easy or permissive with their kids.

Not true! Parents, please correct your kids. It is our God-given responsibility to help our kids learn to obey us so we can establish a foundation for them to desire to obey God.

Scripture tells us to correct our kids, but it also emphasizes the importance of being careful and purposeful in our correction. Scripture also warns us of the danger of anger in our correction.

When we correct too harshly, we are actually doing two things we don’t want to do:

1. We are diminishing the effectiveness of our correction.

2. More importantly, we are putting unnecessary distance in our relationship with our kids.

Don’t stop correcting. Learn how to correct well. How do you do that? You start by not correcting harshly which can cause more harm than good.

Want some additional assistance from us on this topic?  We address correction in depth in our Creating Culture Guide. See the link below to order it. We recommend going through the entire six-session guide, but there is one session totally focused on careful correction.  

Correcting carefully will lead to incredible breakthroughs in all your family relationships.

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