What Stories are You Telling?

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C.S. Lewis said, “Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.”

What if your children went into their days filled with courage instead of fear? With belief instead of doubt? How would that change their day?

Suzanne says our home is to be a place where we wash the world off our children so we can send them out refreshed. Is that what your home looks like? It can.

It all depends on how you are investing in your children. Are you filling them with fear or hope? Is God good or harsh? Is He loving and wanting the best for them or waiting to punish them for their mistakes?

Words are important. Our words influence the hearts and minds of our children.  

Here are some easy ways to be an inspirational parent:

1. Point out God in nature.  Let your children see the wonders of God all around them.

2. Thank God for His blessings. Health, provision, family, friends. Focus on the good around you instead of the problems.

3. Share the inspiring stories in life instead of all the bad news. Tell your kids about people who overcame, especially those in scripture.

4. Increase your faith. Be an example of faith to your children.  

Our children will be impacted by our words. Our influence in their lives is hard-wired by God. Our only choice is what words we will use.

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