How to Connect With Your Teenager
Sometimes it feels like connecting with teenagers is like speaking a different language to someone. They are complicated, difficult to understand, and moody; therefore, difficult to connect with. Especially in today’s time when they are so connected to technology. They choose their peers, their electronics, or sleep (lol) and it creates a relational disconnect.
Here are a few ways to connect with your teenagers…
1. Get time with them! This might be a bit of a struggle and maybe even a battle. A few ideas to connect with them would be learning about the things they’re interested in and doing it with them, this will create time together. Another simple way to get time together is to take them out to dinner. Connecting with them by getting time with them requires effort but is an amazing way to build relationships.
2. Asking them questions. The easiest thing to do is to ask them questions about their life. This could be a great connection point for some parents, but other parents could be met with resistance and short answers. A different approach could be asking them about things they are interested in to get them talking. Building trust first and then later talking about things going on in their lives. Just work on getting them talking!
3. As they share things with you about their life, be a responder not a reactor. Do not be quick to judge or lecture, but instead respond by listening and asking more questions, and seeking to understand. This makes your child want to share things with you versus fearing your response.
We get it, parents! Teenagers are hard, but investing in them is worth it!