Childishness vs. Foolishness
What is the difference between childishness and foolishness?
There are many strategies and techniques on this, but a simple key is this… learn to see the small differences between childishness and foolishness.
Our children are children…and they will act like children. They do not know what they have not been taught. As parents we have the opportunity to teach them how to act, how to behave and what is appropriate and inappropriate. For example, a one-year-old who is pulling everything out of the drawer in the kitchen is simply just exploring and learning. They are not trying to be rebellious or defiant or make a mess because they want you to have more work. They are just being child-like.
Foolishness is when they know the correct thing to do, and they do the opposite. That child has probably been told many times not to play in a certain cabinet because it has sharp objects, but then goes in and intentionally opens it and gives you a little look…. That is foolishness. Kids use foolishness to disobey, push limits, and flat out test your authority/will power. When we see this, it is our opportunity to disciple and potentially discipline.
If we can teach and train foolishness out of children versus getting on them when they are just being children, we can build kids who are confident and secure versus kids who are afraid of correction.
Practice discerning childishness from foolishness and wait to get onto your kids until you are sure which way they are choosing. It gives us the opportunity to be patient and build relationships with your kids.