Would You Pay 100?

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Well, would you?

At Crazy Cool Family, our ministry focuses on one thing — inspiring and equipping parents to build their best family. You’ve already taken a great first step by reading this Practical Parenting email each day. Each of our daily tips is designed to “drip” into you ideas you can immediately apply with your kids to assist you on your unique family journey. Keep up the good work!

Are you ready to go deeper? Let’s go! We’ve got more for you.

We offer an easy-to-use roadmap that gives you a comprehensive vision and key strategies to help you build your best family. After two decades of development, we’ve created a simple yet profound framework that’s designed for all parents and families.

Why $100? Because this roadmap includes our flagship Crazy Cool Family book and two six-session guides. We highly recommend that each parent buys the book and the guides. The book is $10, and the guides are $20 each. $50 per parent, times two = $100. (If you’re a single parent, it’s just $50!)

Here’s how it works: Each session takes about 30-45 minutes to complete. The sessions are packed with great teaching and insightful questions, leading you through a learning process for each concept. Once both of you have completed the sessions, you’ll go through them together, allowing you to parent as a team. The book reinforces everything and shows you how we applied these concepts in our own family.

It’s super simple, but best of all, it’s super effective! In a short amount of time, you’ll see amazing results that will change the course of your family for a lifetime.

Ready to invest in your family? Go to crazycoolfamily.com/special-offer to get your book and guides at special pricing, just for Practical Parenting subscribers. Your family is worth this $100 investment!

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