What if we talked to our kids about our goals and standards we want for their lives and gave them some input?
Let's say your child is playing a select sport. Instead of always hounding them about how they should do better and want to improve, what if we sat down with them and asked for their opinion? We can always raise the bar higher — we are the parents — but what if they agree with us or want to go even higher?
Then we get buy-in and ownership!
Now we can work together with our child instead of against them or pulling them along. We can help them meet their goals instead of just imposing ours. Or maybe we find out they are not really into this sport, and we need to move on.
At a minimum, we connect with our kids, and they believe we value their opinion about their lives. This builds trust and strengthens the parent-child relationship.
By involving them in the process and genuinely listening to their perspectives, we demonstrate respect. This approach is more likely to lead to their committed participation rather than resistance or resentment.
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