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What makes you mad in parenting all the time? Is it when you child throws a fit? Is it when they yell at their brother or sister? When they don’t clean their room? We all have anger hot buttons. What are yours? Do you want to know how to get rid of them so you can control your anger with your kids?
Anger happens when we feel like our rights are violated or other’s rights are violated that we care about. Here’s the solution to your anger hot buttons: Give those rights to God.
Jesus had the right and the power to rule the world but instead He went to the cross for you so your life could be holy from now and through eternity. Philippians 2:8 says He became “obedient to death – even death on a cross.” What if you gave up your rights like Jesus did?
For example, maybe your child does something that embarrasses you like throwing fits in public or maybe they are one of the worst players on their sports team. The root cause of your anger is your right to not be embarrassed. If your child did not do those things – or did them right or better – you would not have to suffer that embarrassment.
But what if you decided to give your embarrassment to God? To get your worth from His love for you and not from what the other parents think about you and your child? What if you decided the mental health of your child and your relationship with them was more important than your embarrassment?
How you believe at your core determines your behavior. If we believe differently about the importance of embarrassment – i.e. if we believe differently about the value of the opinion of others – then we will not be embarrassed when these situationS occur. And we will not be angry and lash out at our child. Problem solved.
If something makes you angry consistently, take that issue to God and ask Him what right you are holding onto that triggers that anger hot button. Give up that right to Him and watch your anger hot buttons go away.