
Never Give Up

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I was talking to a dad the other day whom I've known for many years. When he started parenting, he was not a believer, but over the years, he has become a man of great faith.

However, out of lack of knowledge, he was still parenting in his old ways. He had a poor relationship with his teenage kids because their relationship consisted primarily of him telling them what he expected of them, and them not meeting his expectations.

A couple of years ago, he began to change. He started to accept them more and connect with them more. He started listening to them more instead of telling them what to do all the time.

Over time, things began to change. The more relational he became, the less resistant they became to his desires for their lives. There were still issues, for sure, but they appreciated his attempts to connect, and they responded better.

And he loves it! He feels much more like a success as a dad, and he is really enjoying his kids. Plus, his kids are making better choices than ever before.

Feel like you have been an overbearing parent in the past? Like my friend, it is never too late to start pursuing God and pursuing your kids. Never, ever give up on those relationships.