
One Way to Win at Parenting Today

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Here is a helpful parenting tip for you guys today! Are you ready for it...? It might transform your day!

The gracious love of God shown by a parent to a child is nearly impossible for a child to resist.  

As our kids choose to enforce their own will, express their own opinions, and fight (at all cost) to get their way... we have a choice on how to respond.  

We can respond with anger, frustration, and lack of patience or we can show them the gracious love of God.

Overtime that child will respond to your love and their hearts will start to soften to hear what you're saying. It will take time but trust us, it works!

Don’t let them get to you. Their strong will combined with your angry lecture makes for distant relationships. You will break through with your grace, not your lecture. And you will need the love of God inside you to do it.