Parents... Teach God's Word

Parents… Teach God’s Word

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Parents, teach God’s Word

As parents, we are the primary teachers of God’s word to our children. In their early years, we are the ones who spend the most time with them. We get to be the ones who build a foundation of scripture in the hearts of our children. That foundation will be something they will stand on for the rest of their lives. Good news – you don’t have to be a Bible scholar to teach your kids scripture.

Here are a few simple ways to incorporate scripture and the Bible into your kids’ daily life:

– Listen to worship music in your home and car.

– Read Bible stories to them often.

– Read the Bible out loud to them.

– Pray scripture over them.

– Find Bible verses for them to memorize.

– Take them to church and small groups where they learn about the word of God.

You will be surprised at how much your kids pick up from just doing a few of these things. Adding these things might feel hard at first but know that your intentionality to build their lives on the word of God will produce lasting fruit as they get older.

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