Ok, ready for a parenting challenge? See and call out the greatness in your children instead of their flaws!
We are masters at seeing the flaws in our children. These flaws drive us crazy, fill us with fear, and keep us up at night. We correct them over and over in hopes one day, maybe one day, they will clean their room/not throw fits/do their homework/not hit their sister/work harder/not be on their phones all the time/etc.
What if we flipped our script? What if instead of always focusing on correcting their flaws, we shifted more to calling out their greatness?
It’s funny. When we talk about greatness in children with parents, almost all parents will say their kids are amazing in the big picture. But yet those same parents usually don’t treat their kids like they are amazing. We consistently are seeing how they do not measure up and how we can call them to a higher standard (see the list above for starters). While it’s great to teach your child learn how to do their homework better, what if we also called out the greatness in them as well? What if we inspired them more and nagged them less?
How do we do that? It’s easy! If thoughts of greatness come to your mind, then all you have to do is accept the challenge and speak it out!
Try it! Call out the greatness in them and watch them first think you are weird but then watch them respond with love and joy and confidence. Want to know some things to say? Click on the link below to Great Things to Say to Your Child, one of our free Crazy Cool Family resources.
Your children are amazing! How do we know that? Because they were created by God in His image. It’s our job to inspire them toward greatness by calling out God’s greatness in them.