
Speak Life

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Suzanne was talking to a mom a while back who gave her an interesting take on a common problem.

The mom has three kids: a five-year-old boy and three and one-year-old girls. The five-year-old boy and the three-year-old girl were fighting over a toy. As it might be in your house, the fight was not pretty.

Usually, she would yell at them, "Stop fighting! Be nice to each other!"

Instead, this time she tried something different. Instead of yelling at them, she said, "I love it when you two are good to each other."

They looked at her like she was crazy. Their looks said, "Mom, you're being silly. Don't you see what we're doing?"

But then the mom said the most amazing thing happened. They stopped fighting. They worked it out and started being kind to each other.

Sometimes when we speak life into a situation, our kids start to believe differently about themselves and therefore start to act differently.

If it doesn't work, you can always go back to yelling 😎.