Teenage Rebellion is NOT Inevitable

Teenage Rebellion is NOT Inevitable

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I remember someone saying this to me one time before I had teenagers: “Teenage rebellion is not inevitable.” I remember it took me back a little. It was a pastor speaking and I was like, “Really? You mean you have an answer to teenage rebellion?”  

But it’s true. It is possible to avoid teenage rebellion. I don’t mean perfect kids – just like we are not perfect parents – but we want to give you a vision and a hope of having a lot of fun with your teenagers. Enjoying them.  

Sure, they go through puberty. Sure they can be brats at times. In so many ways they revert back to being a toddler, especially in middle school. They need more sleep, their brain doesn’t work right all the time, and they can be so obnoxious – again, think middle school kids.

But if we handle ourselves right as parents and we work to connect with their hearts, it is very possible for them to be great kids and not be rebellious.  

If you have younger kids right now, that is why we teach you so much about building those relationships with your kids right now. Building trust with them. Building your values in them. Listening to them.  

Why? Because then when they get to be teenagers, you will have their hearts. They will trust you and want to please you and ultimately please God. When the storms of life come for them, they come to you as a trusted source and don’t run away and do stupid things.

This is a deep subject so we can’t go into all the detail.  Just remember one thing: Teenage rebellion is NOT inevitable. If you can put that in your heart, you will have hope for your family future!

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