The Role of the Church in Your Parenting
We talk to church leaders all over the country and you know what their main problem is with parents?
It’s that parents expect the church to be the primary discipleship option for their kids.
And you know what? They are right. The church is not responsible for the discipleship of your kids. You are.
For sure, get involved in a local church. Get your kids involved in your local church. God created the church as His primary vehicle for all people to come and be inspired and equipped.
However, just like you are responsible for your own discipleship, you are also given primary responsibility for the discipleship of your children.
Your children are at church maybe a few hours a week out of the 168 hours in a week. Home is where your children will be shaped more than anywhere else. How are you shaping them in the other 165 hours in the week?
See the church as important but not primary. You are primary. Your local church is a valuable helper to you in shaping the heart of your child.
What are some ways you can take on the primary role of discipling your child?
Ask them what they are learning at church. Help your child take what they are learning at church and apply it to their lives.
Share with your children what God is doing in your life. We call this “having God conversations.” Be an example for your children and let them see God at work.
Pray with them. Choose not only to talk about life, but to include God in situations as they arise.
It doesn’t have to be hard. You don’t have to do 6 AM Bible studies. Just make God a part of your everyday life with them. Church should not be the only place they see God.