Sometimes we lose it... right? Whether it is a fight with our spouse or a car that cuts us off in traffic. We blow our cool and lose our self-control. But as adults we have learned how to minimize the damage of our emotions. We might yell or slap the steering wheel, but rarely do we throw ourselves on the floor and kicking and screaming inconsolably.
Not always the case with a two-year-old... right?
Here are a few tips to helping with toddler tantrums...
The main win with toddler tantrums is keeping your own emotions under control and acting like an adult. If you can do these steps and be filled with peace, then you will teach your toddler how to properly deal with their emotions. And one day they won't throw themselves on the floor and lose it.
You, as parents, have a unique opportunity to steward their little hearts in their most frustrated and emotional states. Use these minutes to teach and it will bear lasting fruit.