When Should My Kid Get a Phone?
Deciding on the right time for a phone for your child is a tough issue because there really is no right answer for this question.
But here are some thoughts to consider when making this decision:
- Delayed gratification is good. It’s okay if other kids have phones and your kid doesn’t. They don’t get one just because everyone else does. Other people’s standards do not have to dictate your standards.
- Use the issue to have conversations with your kid. Don’t just shut down the conversation and say, “Because I said so!” when they argue and complain about not getting a phone. Be compassionate about their desires and explain your reasoning.
- Tie phone usage to responsibility. In the conversations, explain to them the responsibilities that come with having a phone. It’s an expensive asset with inherent dangers. You need to see them take responsibility in other areas if they want the responsibility of a phone.
- Don’t wait too long. If you wait too long – especially if the kid is responsible – you run the risk of creating bitterness and division in your relationship with your child.
Again, there is no single right answer here, but these are definitely some things to think about as you pray about your decision regarding when to give your child their phone.