Who’s your favorite kid?
Do your kids ever ask you that question? Ours did a lot. Most of the time they were joking but almost all joking has an element of truth or at least an underlying real question.
Don’t fall into the trap of favoring one kid over another.
It will likely cause damage to the unfavored child and cause a breakdown in their relationship with one of their siblings.
What are some ways to avoid showing favoritism?
1. Celebrate the unique qualities of each child. It’s ok to really like it that your son is a good football player even though the younger son is not as good. But what are you going to find to celebrate in that son?
2. Invest more in the child that is not the favorite at the time. There are times when you like one child more than another. You can offset your natural feelings by investing differently than you feel.
3. Praise all your children all the time. If you get into a habit of sincere encouragement and praise, you will build confidence in your children to weather their differences.
And lastly, when they ask you the question, answer “I love all of you. Each of you has amazing qualities that make me so glad to be your dad (or mom)!”