2 Ways to Drip Jesus

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There are 1 million ways to connect our kids to God but today we are going to break it down into 2 practical ways. We call this “dripping Jesus”, and it is LIFE-CHANGING!

The first one is informally, and the second one is formally. Now let us explain.

The way to Informally connect our kids to God is simply “along the way” or “as we go.”


– Playing worship music in the car

– Thanking God for a beautiful sunrise

– Daily (or hourly) sharing with them some of the ways that God has blessed our lives  

Just simply testifying to God and his goodness all day every day as you talk to them. Pointing them to Jesus in little informal moments every day.

The second is formally connecting them to God.


-Taking them to church,  

-Doing a family Bible study

– Reading the Bible together every day

– Taking them to small groups and many other experiences.  

This is more intentional and takes more time but as we model this it shows our kids how to make time for God.

Including God in our daily lives is worth it. Making church and God a regular part of our lives is the best way to drip Jesus into their little hearts. Ultimately showing them that following God is not this ambiguous thing, but it is simple, practical, and daily. When we model this for our kids – it really does change our lives AND THEIRS!

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