
Parenting Inspiration: Our children are like a giant blank white board.  

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Our children are like a giant blank white board.  

We get the opportunity to write whatever we want on it!  They come to us fresh from the Creator with innocence and a willing spirit.  

On the other hand, take a look at social media, billboards, commercials, music, magazines - it's not hard to see what the world wants our kids to believe.  

The world wants to convince them to believe the lie that they are not pretty enough, not smart enough, not athletic enough. And it wants to convince them they certainly don’t need God.

It is our responsibility to write great things on their blank board to counteract what the world is telling them. Here are a few things we can write on their blank board...

  • They are created for a purpose at this time in history as a child of the King.
  • They have been put in this family specifically to practice how to love and serve.
  • They can learn and discover who God created them to be.
  • Their time on earth is valuable and is to be spent collecting things for heaven.
  • Their relationships are more important than things.
  • God’s Word is full of promises that they can depend on with confidence.

Be purposeful of the direction you want your children to go and say it to them often.  Eventually it will become a part of who they are - it will be written on their giant white board.