Cleaning Culture in Your Home

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“What is your advice about chores & rewards/allowance? We have six kids (ages 2-9), and we’re really struggling to create a workable chore plan. Would love any resources you have on this!”
—Crazy Cool Parent

This question comes up often, so we wanted to take today’s email to share a few “cleaning tips.” Every household is different, but teaching kids to clean and take care of their belongings is a great way for parents to instill unity, teamwork, and a strong work ethic.

Tip #1 – Teach kids that work is necessary.

Work is a part of life for everyone. Unless your child has a physical or mental disability that prevents them from working, they can—and should—learn to help around the house. We often assume kids know this, but they may not fully understand.

Give them examples of how people in society work and ask them to think of their own examples. Questions like, “What kind of job do you want when you grow up?” or “How do you think that person achieved their position in life?” can open the conversation. Tie their answers to work ethic and show them the value of being a diligent worker. Helping your kids connect the dots about why work is necessary is vital to them choosing to embrace it.

Tip #2 – Get rid of the “I don’t want to” mindset.

Kids will argue, stall, and resist cleaning—always have, and probably always will. Part of this resistance is a spiritual battle for your child’s heart, character, and work ethic. As parents, you combat this with encouragement, patience, and clear instructions. But there’s another strategy to try first.

We often say that your example is more powerful than your words. The “I don’t want to” culture in your home starts with you. Choose to have a joyful attitude about cleaning, and you might inspire your kids to follow suit. Eliminate negative talk around chores and make the process fun. Put on music, set a timer, or turn chores into a friendly competition. When your kids see your positive approach to cleaning, it can soften their resistance and change their perspective.

Tip #3 – Listen to Episode #256

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This podcast episode is packed with ideas to help change the cleaning culture in your family. Macy and Suz share even more tips to inspire your kids (and you!) to embrace teamwork when it comes to chores. Give it a listen!

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