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Do you allow yourself to get drawn into yelling matches with your kids? If they elevate their voice, do you elevate yours more?
Here’s what we tell parents a lot: You are the parent. You are in charge. Act like it.
When your kids yell at you, that is the time to get calm instead of getting loud. To take the high road instead of letting them take you to your low point.
Whenever your kid gets loud simply say, “Wow. You are yelling at me. We are not going to have a yelling conversation. I love you too much to raise my voice at you. Now we can either have this conversation without yelling or you can go to your room to calm down until you are ready to have a calm conversation.”
You have not given in. You are not letting them run over you. You are not passive. Instead, you are taking charge of the situation in the best way. You are teaching your child to have healthy conflict.
I know it sounds a lot easier on this page than it does in real life. But try it. Your child will respect you more and they will learn yelling does not get them anywhere.