
Expanding Their World: Instilling a Heart of Service

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Today’s tip is bigger picture.  Here goes;  Our kids need to be gently reminded and instructed a lot that this world is bigger than their own desires.

Why? The more our kids see and believe that they are a part of something more than themselves, the more likely they are to get out of selfish mode and into servant mode.  

Here are five ways to instill a bigger worldview in our children:  

  1. Instruct them how their right and wrong actions not only reflect on themselves but also their family (most important), their school, their sports teams or drama team or band, their friends.  
  1. Send them on a mission trip (local or international) to see how the rest of the world lives.
  1. Follow along with individuals or organizations who are engaged in ministry work around the globe.
  1. Help them see the world around them. Things we take for granted that we notice don't always register with them.  
  1. Show them through God's Word how God's people served others  

Look for opportunities without lecturing to show them the bigger world around them. Instead of criticizing their selfishness, show them a better pathway to connect with their world.