“I Don’t Forgive You Because I Don’t Like You!”
Screaming, yelling, and a clash of emotions led to our latest lesson on forgiveness. Honestly, I don’t even remember what the fight was about or who was involved. But I knew it was time to hit pause and have a “Jesus talk.”
We called a “family meeting” to check in—not just about the fight but to see how everyone was really doing. When my kids fight or say hurtful things, I know there’s usually something deeper going on. These check-ins help me understand their hearts, know what to pray for, and give them a chance to share.
This time, the child who had yelled admitted they were upset about something earlier—something their sibling didn’t even know about. It reminded me how often we lash out over misunderstandings or let our feelings take the wheel. And if we do this as adults, how much more do our kids struggle with it?
I sat with them, listened to their feelings, and brought the conversation back to God’s Word:
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32
Forgiveness is at the very heart of the gospel. It’s crucial that our kids understand forgiveness as both a gift we receive and a gift we’re called to give—no matter how challenging it feels. When we teach forgiveness, we reflect the grace God shows us every single day.
These family check-ins are more than just moments of discipline; they’re opportunities to weave the gospel into the fabric of our everyday lives. My hope and prayer are that they help my kids see how forgiveness and grace play out in real-life situations.
Do you hold check-ins with your kids? How do you incorporate the gospel into your conversations? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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