Giving Your Kids the BEST Best Friends

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Scheduling play dates or hangouts at the park seems to be a regular thing in parenting life. We want our kids to have healthy friendships in their schools, church, and sporting teams. Sometimes when we help our kids make friends, we forget that they have built in BEST FRIENDS in our homes… their siblings.  

One practical way to grow sibling relationships is to plan playdates with your kids. Just like you would a friend in class or on their soccer team – but do it with their siblings.

What this does is it gives time for your children to connect with their sibling over something fun. Often our kids are connected within mundane daily things like rides or dinner. Then they spend their free time having all the fun and making all the memories with their friends. No wonder our kids are not best friends – all they do is boring stuff together.  

We want to challenge you to change that by making time for fun.  

Here are some ideas depending on your age kids…

Under 5

  • Go get a sonic drink and go to the park and play hide n seek  
  • Grab a plastic bag and go on a nature treasure hunt  
  • Find a children’s museum in town and make a day out of it  
  • Have a picnic  

Under 10

  • Go to a jump place
  • Go to the library and have the kids read each other fun books  
  • Ride bikes from one location to another

Under 18

  • Do an ice-cream taste test – get a bunch of ice cream from town and taste which is the best
  • Go to a sporting event together  
  • Do a workout together  
  • Play a board game  

The main goal is to set aside time for your kids to have fun and build their friendships!

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