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I’ve got news for you. It’s something you probably already know but maybe haven’t thought about with all the day-to-day struggles we face.
No one is coming to save our families. The culture is going against our values. What seems ludicrous is often the norm now. Our schools are not in our camp any more. Government policies are not in line with our values.
The world wants to be so good on the outside but inside its people are crumbling. We are more angry, more anxious, lonelier than ever before when we are supposed to be more connected.
It’s up to us to save our families. The one place we can make life happen is in our home.
In this world trying to get better but really falling apart around us, we can create a home filled with love and joy and peace. With kindness and patience and hope. Where we serve and laugh and have fun.
Suzanne says one of our primary jobs as parents is to make our home a place where we wash the world off our kids so we can send them out refreshed.
Today when you and your kids come home, simply enjoy them. Take a few moments and forget about the many things that need to be done. Those things will still be there. For a short time just make your home a place of refuge for everyone. Enjoy!