How to Raise Our Kids to Respect Us
We get this question all the time. Oftentimes our kids yell at us, dishonor us with their words or even sometimes (when they’re little) hit us. We’ve been asked countless times how we get our children to respect us.
Two simple ways.
Respecting their time and
Respecting them as people.
We respect their time by including them in the different things we have going on and we need them to participate in.
For example, if your child is playing and you look up and realize you’re late for an event….you have two choices.
1. Quickly stop their playing, order them to put their shoes on, and rush them out the door. It creates stress, yelling, and lots of disrespect.
2. Explain (briefly) how you lost track of time and start a 3-minute timer. Invite them into a game of who can get their things together and get into the car fastest. Keep a calm tone and move quickly to get into the car.
We get it these things happen sometimes.
But if we can be prepared ahead of time and tell them “It’s time to go in about 10 minutes so let’s finish playing and start getting ready”. This shows them that we respect what they are doing but it is time for a transition. Respecting their time shows them that we respect them as people.
That brings us to our next point. Respecting them as people. They are real life people. They have ideas, emotions, thoughts, and opinions. Just like we do. We get the opportunity to listen to those and respect them. By showing them honor and respect it teaches them to honor and respect us. Examples are always louder than lectures.
By being a parent who respects our kids will earn the respect back to us.