How to Win the Hearts of Our Children

How to Win the Hearts of Our Children

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In Psalm 103:7-9, we get a glimpse of what our Father is like. It says,

He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel.

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.

He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever.

God captures our hearts because His love is “abounding.” We follow Him not because of what we did, but because of what He does for us every day. Loving us even when we are unlovable and making His ways known to us just like He did to Moses and Israel.

Now here’s the question for you: Are you following God’s lead as a parent?

Are you clearly making your ways — and God’s ways — known to your children while being slow to anger?

Are you slow to accuse and quick to forgive?

Are you abounding in love and encouragement and inspiration for your children?

Are you gracious and compassionate to your family?

We win the hearts of our children just like God wins our hearts. With “abounding” love. We let that abounding love of God fill our hearts and then we let that love overflow from our hearts into the hearts of our children.

Just like we follow God because He first loved us, our kids will follow us best when we have “abounding” love for them.

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