The Benefits of Obedience
““Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.””
NIV 3-2:6 Ephesians
This is one of the Ten Commandments. Are you sharing this truth in love with your kids to inspire them to obey? You should.
Again, in love. The more your children understand the why behind your desire for them to obey and how it benefits their lives, the greater chance they will choose to obey.
God loves us and wants the best for our lives. He wants life to “go well” for us and He wants us to “enjoy long life on the earth.” It is clear from Scripture — Old Testament and New Testament — one of the ways to make that happen for our lives is to honor our parents. And the same is true for our children.
So don’t bring this up when they are disobeying. Saying, “Hey, you are not going to live long on this earth if you keep doing that!” is probably not your best parenting tactic.
But as you are processing difficult obedience issues, it is good to bring up with them how God put you in their life to guide them and their obedience to you – and to God — is for their good. You are doing it for their good and God wants to use it for their good as well.
You are for them. God is for them. You want the best for them and so does God. Those belief transfers need to be a part of your parenting repertoire!