My son Michael started a blog recently call Differentiators. The blog itself is amazing – he is really good thinker and writer – and I wanted to pull from the blog something I think is really important to parents in order to be “differentiators” in their parenting.
So today’s tip is from his blog.
“A differentiator is someone who is intentional.
Intentionality is the foundation that will uphold and support your desire to be set apart for the betterment of yourself and your tribe but what is intentionality?
Intentionality is simply thinking about something before you do it. To be intentional with your significant other is to thoroughly think about what would bless them and then doing that. It is choosing a path forward based on what is in your best interest.
Intentionality enforces positive behavior. Nobody intentionally watches 6 hours of Netflix and then feels great afterward. No, they get up after 6 hours and feel like crap. Why? Because they wasted their own time by not being intentional with it.
As differentiators, we are intentional in every area of our lives because intentionality promotes positive and productive behavior. What is an area of your life that you are currently not proud of? Do you have any intentionality in that area of your life?
I challenge you to think about the questions above. This journey we are on, this life we are living is hard. What if we made it easier on ourselves by adding some intentionality to.
The Problem: What area of your life would you like to see improve?
The Motivation: Why would you like to see that improve?
The Game Plan: What do you need to do to see that area of your life improve?
A differentiator is someone who is intentional.”
Go back to his questions and answer them in your role as a parent. What would you like to be intentional about today?