Is Your Child a Delight to You?

Is Your Child a Delight to You?

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One of our toddler grandkids told us the other day they wanted to get married.  Married? Why do you want to get married?

A simple, but very logical answer.

“Married people don’t have to go to bed. They get to stay up late and watch movies.”

When kids say something like that to a lot of good Christian parents, they might get a response like, “Don’t think like that. You’re too young to get married.” A correction instead of a question, and the parent has missed an opportunity for their child to delight them.

What if instead we simply delighted in their childlike thoughts?

Do you want to make your kids a delight to you? Work on telling them what to do less and simply interact with them more. 

Ask questions. Learn what they are thinking.  It will not only make you laugh, but it will also help you parent better. 

The more insight you have into the heart of your child, the better you know how to reach that heart. 

And as you interact with your child more, they will become a delight to you. You will be amazed at their insight. At their amazing little personality that’s developing. How much they love you and how much they want your approval 

What if you spent more of your day delighting in your child? It will pay great dividends for both of you.

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