Prioritizing Spiritual Efforts
Two verses for today:
Proverbs 22:6: Train a child up in the way he should go, even when he is older he will not abandon it.”
3 John 4: “I have no greater joy than to hear my children walking in the truth.”
I can attest to the second verse. It brings me great, great joy to “hear my children walking in the truth.” On the other hand, it so pains me — real pain — to see my kids not making wise, godly decisions in their lives. To know that those decisions will cause them pain in their own life is difficult to bear.
Yet if we look at our parenting efforts, so often we spend so much time training our kids in academics and sports and music and everything else while we neglect training our children in “the way he should go.”
Now I am not saying at all it is bad to have our kids do well in academics or extracurricular activities. What I am calling attention to is the priority — or lack thereof — of spiritual training.
When the things of the world are more important than the things of God, what are we saying to our children? That the world is more important. That the way of the world is more important than the way of the kingdom.
In the Proverbs verse, it does not say, “Get others to train your child up” or “When you have time after all the other activities, train your child up.” It is a command for the parents. And God wants it to be a priority in our lives.
Just pray about it. Let God speak to you about it.
I know this — God wants to give you the awesome joy of hearing your children walk in the truth. No doubt He wants that for you. And no doubt he challenges us as parents to be the primary trainer in the way they should go.
Where should training a child up in the way they should go fit in your priorities for you kids?