Parents come to us looking for answers but what they don’t realize is they ARE the answer.
When parents become their best, their kids become their best.
When parents learn to listen, their kids feel seen and heard.
When parents speak life, their kids are filled with confidence.
When parents know who they are in Christ, they can then tell their kids who they are in Christ.
When parents are filled with God’s love, they overflow with God’s love into their family and their kids feel safe and secure.
Parents keep looking for answers on the outside, but the answer begins on the inside. Beginning in the hearts of the parents and then being communicated into the hearts of their children.
Now don’t feel pressure as I say this. It’s not about pressure. It’s about opportunity. It is God believing in us as parents and trusting us with the opportunity to have the greatest influence in the hearts of our children.
As parents, we are the answer. We are God’s greatest solution to any issues our children have. Our job as parents is to present our best selves to our kids. Not to be perfect, but to be learners about ourselves and about parenting so we can bring life and hope to our kids.
The greatest answer to the issues your family faces is YOU. And God is super excited to partner with you in your journey — and we at Crazy Cool Family are too! — to become your best as a parent and to build your best family.