In Luke 24, we see a profound interaction between Jesus and two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
This encounter offers an important lesson for parents on the power of asking questions to connect more meaningfully with our children.
As we navigate parenting's intricate journey, mirroring Jesus’ approach can prove invaluable.
Post-resurrection, Jesus walks alongside Cleopas and an unnamed companion (verses 13-32).
Notice what he does first.
He initiates conversation by asking, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?”
Rather than lecturing or providing answers, Jesus listens to better understand the disciples’ perspective.
This intentional act sets the stage for impactful teaching.
Similarly, before offering advice, take a moment to engage your child. Inquire about their thoughts on a situation before sharing yours.
This not only builds communication but shows genuine interest in their lives.
Encourage children to explore beliefs through curious, open-ended questions that prompt reflection.
Often they’ll reach conclusions on their own without being told.
Jesus doesn’t assume the disciples’ level of understanding.
Instead, he patiently allows them to share before correcting misconceptions.
Likewise, don’t presume to fully know your child’s perspective.
Approach discussions with humility, acknowledging differing experiences and perceptions.
In Jesus’ masterful balance of empathy and instruction, we find he doesn’t rush to preach.
Rather, he meets people where they are and guides them toward truth through thoughtful questioning.
Like Jesus, your teaching will resonate deeper if you first ask questions to understand situations before instructing your kids.
They’ll respond like the disciples, with hearts burning from meaningful discussion of God’s truths.